Saturday, March 04, 2006


I went to play squash yesterday afternoon with Amy. It was my first time to play squash. the fuuny thing was that I played a ball so high that it stayed on the top of a light, and it was new! Well, well, I had to buy another one.
we played for one hour, and I feel so tired. I seldom do sports in campus, and I never went to gym. What a pity! From now on, I decide to do more sports and make myself more energetic. I till remebered that my teachers in China always said I was a quiet girl and I should be more energetic. haha, it seems they are right.
there are lots of stuff to prepare for next test-week. I'm a little worried about the class essay Next Monday just because I'm not confident with myself. it is more important to have self-confidence in western countries than in China. sometimes, your confidence would be considered as being proud in China as China is a country that does not want to show itself very much. By contrast, western countries regard individual as the most important. Different culture determine different characters.


At 8:10 p.m., March 04, 2006, Blogger PH said...

The exercise will do you good. Keep doing it regularly and it will make a difference. As for the test on Monday, I'm confident that you'll be fine.


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