I know Where to go
Monday, June 29, 2009
1 pkg. (2-layer size) chocolate cake mix (510 - 520g)
1 pkg. (8 oz.) PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese, softened (I used 200g)
1 egg
2 Tbsp. sugar
48 Mini OREO Bite Size Chocolate Sandwich Cookies
1-1/2 cups thawed COOL WHIP Whipped Topping
HEAT oven to 350°F.
PREPARE cake batter as directed on package; set aside. Mix cream cheese, egg and sugar until blended.
SPOON 1/2 of cake batter evenly into 24 paper- or foil-lined muffin cups. Top each with about 1-1/2 tsp. cream cheese mixture and 1 mini OREO cookie; cover with remaining cake batter.
BAKE 19 to 22 min. or until toothpick inserted in centers comes out clean. Cool 5 min.; remove from pans to wire racks. Cool completely.
FROST with COOL WHIP. Top with remaining cookies.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
going back to China
i'm going back to China for vacations for one and half month! i can eat a lot of Chinese food. i guess i don't really know how to cook, and my bf is not picky at all, luckily. i'm wondering if he's really picky at food as me, then we have eat outside every day.we were comparing the menu from two different Chinese restaurants and not surprisingly we found that the dishes were pretty much the same. maybe some Chinese names are different, but the translation to English is almost the same. also, what is very interesting is that we sometimes read the English name even though we are Chinese. I guess it's because we don't live in the southern part of Chinese and there are so many dishes that we don't know about.
well. i'm going back to China this Saturday and i will be in China on Sunday, which is the Mother's day. Happy Mother's day to all the mothers!
Monday, July 23, 2007
so bored...
aaaah.........so bored.I'm now sitting in the library waiting for the old midterm for ECON 201, and I have mine this Wndnesday. I've still got something unclear for this course.
warm sun, nice afternoon, good for sleeping.... oh, so sleepy and don't want to study for the midterm.
such a gogerous summer, what am I doing here? shouldn't I go out and enjoy it?
but I'm alone now, I'm by my self now. two people doing things together, then not used to be on my own. love you, sweet. miss you.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
new year
it's been a long time I haven't blogged. actually, I did twice before this one, but I can't finish them. and I did not post them because they are just some fragments.well, two months since the new semester, I feel like I did nothing except being a bored guy. I don't know, I just, don't wanna study hard any more, and feel into palying games. what games? anyone I can play. is it fun? no. is studying fun? no.
the new course this semeter is ENGG 233 - programming stuff, and I'm like an idiot knowing nothing about the assignment.
another problem is I've no idea of which field in engieering to study in second year. Should I go to another faculty? - that's the question I've been thinking over and over.
I'm lost. I guess this is the best title for my blog.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
mid-term is over
well, every time I blog, I just can't help myself talking about engineering stuff.yes, I finished my mid-term yesterday, and I did four exams in two weeks. two of them tuned out good, and the othertwo, I'v no idea. it should not be too bad, though. however, I don't really feel so relaxed because I still have a lot assignment to do and quizzes to prepare. it's been a busy week for me, and I guess the whole semester and the whole four year will be busy, too.
one thing really embaressed me last week was that I did not know what slurpee was! one girl in our group mentioned that, and I saked what slurpee was. she was so surprised, and I was so embarraed. but, I know it now. I feel ashamed coz I feel like I am not learning the language. well, I really need to get into the real Canadian life.
keep working!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
no title
I recieved two new comments from previous blog, and I'm so suprised. it's been such a long time that I haven't had anyone read my blog! everyone else who was in LEAP 4 was just like disappear from their blogs, unless they have to. but they never read my blogs, I guess. maybe it's becasue I did not leave a comment for them, haha, it should be my falut!well, I have to mention my ENGG - continued from previous blog, again, yeah, I know, again. coz I'm in Engg now! I'm getting a little busy with the assignments, especially for engg205, which is a communciation course. I think somehow, I learn something from this course. meanwhile, I found how poor the communication skills I have right now. the presentation skills I learned from LEAP is useful, which makes me proud. some Canadian students are so shy when they are giving presetations, and they don't look at other peole. they should be suggested to take some courses like LEAP before they go to university.
well, I have to do my homework - a long list was standing in front of me - reminding me how much I have, even though I'd like to say something more. fine, I'll stop here.
it was mid-autumn the day before yesterday, and the moon was pretty.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
everything these days is about ENggineering.I'm getting a little crazy about my courses right now.
the online assingments f**k! I got 5 out of 6 at the first attemp. but I don't know which one I got wrong with. I've checked them several times, over and over. and all of the answers are with long digits. I just keep using my calulater and my fingers, of both hands, are moving over quickly.
one more thing disappoint me a lot is about the group discussion. I almost understand what they are talking about, however, I can't even speak my ideas out. I have to domenstrate my ideas with my hands and other tools. otherwise, I don't even think I'm able to say a complete sentence!
I am a little depressed now.
I hope everything is going fine.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
blog again
I'm watching the Food channel, and many cooks are making birthday cakes. the cakes look so fantastice! they are not only cakes, but also picecs of arts! the cooks are creative and the cakes are colorful, unique, and amazing. woo, I really want to make a cake myself some day for someone's birthday, and the person could be my parents, my grandparents, my friends, and even myself! I think my grandma just had her birthday several weeks ago. I feel so sorry that I cannot attend her birthday party. I just made a call to her and said Happy Birthday to her. maybe next year, I will be there.the new semester is coming, and I will finish working tomorrow. during my four-day break before my new semeter, I've gotton a plan. one day for aranging my stuff in my new house. it still a mess because I did not have time to do that until my break. one day for my prepartation for the new semester, and I need paper, notebooks, pens, and other study stuff. another day is for food shopping coz we almost run out of our food. ah, there is one day left, well, maybe I can sleep until late morning, and just have a relaxed day - break day!
I'm back, school!
Saturday, August 19, 2006
summer break
it's been two weeks that I haven't blogged. If I were still in LEAP 4, Scott would kill me! haha.I passed LEAP 4 and do not need to take Effective Writing. I am happy about that. However, a tougher thing is coming to me - Engeering study. I have heard that it's very very hard for studetns to study, especially international students. well, yeah, I know, for me, an international student, language is the most important thing for me to get over with.
I think the way Scott has taught us - Read-A-Thon is very useful. Reading 20 mins every day is really helpful because it's a knid of repeatition. However, I do not keep doing it after LEAP. it's just because I am so lazy. well, I really need to grab some books or anything to read every day. otherwise, my English is going down and down.
it's a good day today, expect my job. I felt tired after today's work. I thought it was an easy task to finish today. However, it was not. anyway, it's all done today.
I am gonna move soon, to my new house! Yahoo!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
finally, we have one more week. finally, we have the final exam left. finally, we can have my one month holiday.I received an email from ISC yesterday, which invited us to explore Banff on Aug 24, 2006. It is great! I have been dreaming about a trip to Banff for a long time! here comes an oppurtunity! the only thing I am worring about is that the bus ISC rents is school bus, which is not so comfortable. the last time ISC organized the trip to Edmonton was nice, but I did not feel well in sitting in bus for almost 4 hours. the trip to Banff will be shorter, which makes me less disopponited. haha, Banff, I am coming! anyone wants to go? it cost $20 for the bus rent fee and the entrance for Banff National Park. it is so worthy, eh? the deadline will be on Aug 21, 2006. Let's go to Banff together!
however, before the wonderful trip to Banff, I have the final to do. it makes me a little nervous. Scott kept asking us to study 4 extra hours after classes every day. but, I am sorry to say I did not do exactly as what Scott has told us. I know, I should say sorry to myself, if I fail the final. it's not late to start tight away. late is better than none.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
two more blogs/weeks
time filies. we finished our last presentation today. it was not so hard, though. we had two weeks to go. it is not so long, neither short. all of us were depressed this morning because of the news that we are required to take all three courses even if we only fail one course. it is not a good news for us because we have weakness in studying the language. I mean, some may be good at writing, but is a little weak in speaking.I feel less worried of speaking than before, and I think my English is really improving through out this whole year study. Even so, speaking is the most hard part for me, and I am still feel afraid of making mistakes.
Amy is not feeling very well today, and she might have a cold. actually, I do not feel so good, either. therer might be some little problems with my stomach or bowl. whenever I feel cold, I will go to the toilet. I should have something warm. In Chinese medicine, food are catograied into cold, warm, and moderate. For example, banadas are cold so that they help you go to toilet easily.
by the way, I saw an ad about Calgary Fringe Festival, and it said it was about films, performances, songs, and concerts. it atracts me to have a look at it downtown. I guess it will be fun, besides, LEAP will be finished by then!
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
I just had a peach, which we brought yesterday. it did not taste as good as I thought, but it's OK. well, mentioned about peach, I really want to go to the Calgary Farmers' Market. the last time I went there with Amy and Tom, the market was out of power. How lucky we were that day! so, we had to go back, and we had a not so good dinner that day. we had some chicken wings in Madision, they were not so good cooked. the drink - yoghurt shake was nice, though. the best chicken wings I have had are those in Pizza Hut. the chicken wings in Pizza Hut are really BBQed. they are really nice, I strongly recommend they, haha. I want to have some, too.Florianna just taught how to make ice-cream ourselves today. it is easy to do, and I want to have a try. however, our freezer of fridge is full of pork, fish, and shrimp. it can't bear anything more right now! this was the reason that I did not go to Scotto's extra hour yersterday. I felt so sorry for not going to meet Scott because I do learn things from him. but, facing with food and knowledge, I will place food at the first place, no doubt. it is impossible for a starving person to continue studying. ah, here comes a good topic to write an esay about - Food & Education.
it is wednesday today! we have two and a half weeks to go. Yahoo!